July 2023 Global Predictions 🌎

“A Power Month”


Weather “cyclone” or tornadoes. Active tornado season. High winds. Fires. Drought in the Midwest. A female contender for president gains popularity but will not run or receive endorsement. It is a tactic to divert energy to the issues she speaks about. Ethical questions for the schools or the department of education. Stagnation on legislative issues, resistance to change, a stalling economy. Interest rates may stay somewhat the same or change only slightly. There is a great fear of change in the US regarding economy. This autumn will be an unstable time for banks in USA but they will get by somehow. An unusually quiet summer politically. A female politician from a tropical state, maybe Hawaii, makes waves about some significant issues nationally, especially regarding national security. Arguments over the federal reserve, mortgage rates, grid lock economically for USA this summer. For Biden I see exhaustion or fainting, maybe in public or on TV, a live event at a college or university.

France shows civil unrest through the summer but more economic offerings to people to sustain economic growth. In Europe there will be great effort by governments to spend to stimulate the economy.

Crises with water in Asia islands, flooding, maybe a tsunami. I see small boats losing their ability to float well. Many islands in this area. Crisis within the family structure, not sure if this is cultural or with a very famous family that would be well publicized. It looks like it could be in China. Economic downturn, slowing, production overall or of a major industry halting or severely slowing down.

Russia, unable to continue the war. Economic hardship. Population looks to be declining. A high death toll from the war. Infrastructure problems. I really feel the war in Ukraine is coming to an end and the cards say “a winner will be declared but there is really no winner.” It has been costly and many lives were lost. The only positive is that it is ending.

Kuwait female leadership, Abundance, economic success.

Bali storms, or volcanic event. They show me the mountain twice. Spiritual growth there. A female leader for Indonesia. A need for more medical care after this weather event.

Belgium Worker strikes. Europe showing the current economic recession is growing. There will be a great effort to increase exports to remedy this. The exports will be to USA or a travel across an ocean and not by land.

Overall the atmosphere looks very active for July. Windy and possibly difficult for air travel. August looks less so.

They show me a huge increase in migration or immigration of people to a place that is better for them to raise families. At first, it does not look like USA and I’m wondering if there will be another huge migration change in Europe on the mainland soon. USA came to mind but the image I see is for another area, however, my intuition feels both will happen but the one that is not in USA may be more of a surprise.

Advice Garnet is the crystal of the month for energy for health, love, and protection while traveling at night. 5 of swords is the card of the month. I feel this may relate to Russia also, to accept defeat from Ukraine. For us on an individual level, it means to accept what has not worked, acknowledge it, but move on. Don’t linger in self pity. Go forward with what you have, create more.

A happy time for marriages, births, and positive energy regarding love, partnership relationships, harmony, and cooperation. Seeing things from another point of view. Clarity in relationships may be at an all time high. Mothering, the earth, and growth are highlighted. A green visual of more plants or trees. The earth energy right now is showing exhaustion, this may impact the people who are more sensitive. They may pick up on this energy and feel more tired lately. A higher need to rest or recuperate than normal.

July is a more difficult month for healing, the cards show me a time of friction and internal questioning, a lot of static in the universe. This is a very highly energetic time regarding the electromagnetic energy of the planet. Try to work with this energy and integrate it vs fighting it. The old ways can not continue but can be transformed to become new. Acknowledge yourself, those that are lying to themselves will face difficulty because of this new vibration of earth energy. It will be very difficult to avoid growth and self growth this month as we are receiving more light and energy to the planet. Abundant thought, behavior, expansive energy, being open, time in nature and fresh air are advised now. A good time for travel and inspiration from new ideas.

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4 thoughts on “July 2023 Global Predictions 🌎”

  1. Katie Hall avatar Katie Hall says:

    do you see Biden even running for president again? he seems fragile health wise.

    1. I didn’t ask, but that may have come up in one of my recent past predictions. I will look. His health has come up more than once in the cards.

  2. Chantal avatar Chantal says:

    I posted on FB reply, but I’m in Bali now. At the volcano having lunch. The weather has been unpredictable and rainy every day (it’s not rain season). We have a wedding tomorrow and then another on July 10th and then back to USA.

    1. Oh wow thank you for sharing this info. Very interesting about the rain. I hope the rest of your trip is great! Bali is an amazing place.

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