July 2024 Global Predictions 🌎

I see a worsening situation between Israel and Palestine, more conflict in the Middle East. The cards say it will take a very long time to stabilize anything in this region.

USA  shows a crisis or large conflict regarding education closer to the election this fall. There is not as much economic growth as forecasted. There is a sense of things moving very slowly in the financial world. The real estate market may hold prices somewhat steady going into this fall. I see much more of a buyer’s market than in recent years. For many people this will be a good time to make a move, or buy an investment property. I feel the Saturn retrograde is having an impact on this, as people may feel a bit cloudy regarding long term goals before making big decisions like selling a home or moving. That hesitation will hold back many people who will reevaluate other life changes at this time. If you know exactly what you want long term, this summer is an excellent time to move forward. There is a lot of indecision going into this fall regarding the political world. It is ironic for an election year that things seem to be at a standstill.

The travel industry shows some disruption later this fall and this is the second time I’ve seen this recently in global predictions. It looks like a big event or shift will affect routes and prices will go up a lot.

I see fires or an area with a lot of destruction in India this summer. I did not feel sure of the location on the first read, had to double check, and the cards confirmed they feel that is the location.

I see something in Japan where people are rushing from one area to another for some kind of evacuation, it looks like a natural(or unnatural) disaster of some kind. It centers around the environment or land not being safe.

France shows a female leader coming to the forefront again. She will lead a focus on a cultural shift but find many obstacles. She has the potential to bring great prosperity to France but it will be very difficult for her to achieve this.  There will be significant financial improvement for the French economy under her reign. In something unrelated,  I see protests in France this summer that become dangerous and very disruptive. They may be more in the north of France.

South America shows economic improvement overall from now through the new year. There are still some countries that will not adapt and have difficulty but the majority will have growth and a better job market going forward.

I see Russia leaving Ukraine.

I still feel an overwhelming sense of more earthquakes for 2024.

Africa shows the worst situation of famine and economic struggle in recent history. The international community will have to intervene to help.

The crystal of the month is Ruby which inspires us to be grounded,  courageous, and connected to the sun. The Tarot Card of the month is Ace of Wands. It is a strong time for beginnings. Great energy for having good luck and success in business and in love. For artists, a highly creative time. For some who feel stuck in a pattern, this energy will help you break it and go forward with positive momentum.

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June 2024 Global Predictions


Economy shows fluttering, instability. Biden considering pulling out of the presidential race or having doubts about running at his age vs having a younger person representing his party. Trade and shipping of goods to be disrupted this summer. The cards don’t reveal why… the real estate market starts to pick up a lot. The economy is not as strong as forecasted for this summer. Betrayl of some kind involving members of the Biden family puts them in the news in the middle of summer, the conflict is with younger members of the family and impacts the presidential race of the way people view the president. Some stabilization on a negotiation between Europe and USA regarding how to handle a larger international conflict and the position they will take. They decide to unite on one side and act together. The job market seems to increase and have more positions this summer. Inflation rises higher and many more people will have trouble paying for their regular expenses. It could be the start of another recession/ mini recession. Fall going into winter shows another shift that may be helpful to boost the economy. After the election, there is some improvement. The upcoming winter for USA shows very harsh weather especially for the Midwestern states. It will significantly affect crops. Increasing tension between social groups, discrimination of some form becoming much more common. It may be politically motivated.

France shows a female leader or PM rising to a high level of news for trying to promote French culture and stabilizing the economy. The summer looks quiet in the sense of possibly a slower touristic season.

South America shows a coup in a smaller country/ region trying to break away from oppressive rules. A conflict related to agriculture and land. A large issue with a border/ boundary unable to be maintained. It looks like an east/ west border not north south.

Disruptions to travel later in the summer. Rerouting or heavy air traffic possibly due to a natural event.

Australia starts an isolating policy that drastically shifts their economy. It is not looking like something they will maintain long term.

Phillipines shows very strategic military planning, exercises or operations. A lot of increase in activity in the ocean there. USA is involved in this.

The economy globally shows more stability in 2 years time.

There is some energy coming in about volcanic activity and I’m not sure where it is but I see the northern hemisphere. It could be Italy. There may be flooding nearby as well. I may be seeing 2 natural disasters within a fairly close distance to one another or in the same country at a similar period in time.

An unusual star sighting. “Light” or celestial phenomena that doesn’t seen to fly or shoot across the sky but remains visible and suspended in air. A very rare event.

The card of the month is 8 of cups. This is a rough card for relationships! Sadness, releasing difficult emotions, despair, feelings of failure are heightened this month. Tread carefully with relationship challenges in June. The 7 of cups comes up as well, as an indication that people are prone to believe fantasy over reality, especially at this time. Jade is the stone of the month. I take this as a sign to focus on fertility, growth, abundance, and being open to good luck financially.

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May 2024 Global Predictions

Princess of Wands jumped out of the deck! An important card regarding communication. There may be some significant global communications, agreements, treaties, or alliances made this month. Four of pentacles jumps out just after, a sign of more stability, limited financial growth, and economic predictability.


6 of wands jumps out.  A tricky situation for leadership,  a path forward which requires a lot of analysis and strategy. I see more disasters with water closer to autumn near the election. It may be a very rough hurricane season or time of extreme weather particularly this autumn. It will be enough to have a big impact on the economy.  Air travel also shows a lot of cancellations or limitations later this year. A lot more federal money will be spent on education but the cards show no real impact academically from the extra spending. It may be for a new administrative department or funding for federal programs that go to the state.  There is more significant news with Hunter Biden and it looks like a health problem that may be severe. It may come as a shock to his family. There will be a lot more inflation this summer. I see lower enrollment for schools but not sure if this is public schools or universities, at first glance it looks like universities but then they say maybe public schools as well. There will be a large court victory in favor of women’s rights regarding health. It may be something insurance companies will be required to offer in plans for women.


Some economic problems seem to arise this summer or debt can not be resolved and paid off. It looks like a larger country is struggling, possibly France or Germany. A female leader, maybe a member of the EU, will try to send funding or create economic opportunities to countries in Asia. They are seeking to create a more predictable, stable economy. Growth is limited. I feel like I see more riots in France from summer through autumn. It will impact travel. It may be related to global events.


Again I’m seeing more earthquake activity globally. I feel like I see extreme damage to a city in Asia with multi level buildings crumbling. The area is not very wealthy. They don’t show me the country but it may be near a coast or river because I see a large amount of moving water passing nearby.

A desert area of the world gets completely rebuilt and has a modern town plan or all new structures. It will be an enormous building project.


I see a lot of conflict between countries later this year in terms of who “controls space.” I think USA and China will have a large issue brewing on this that becomes more public this autumn. The cards say the race for control will become more aggressive. In the long run, there will be some international agreement or treaty on this topic but for now it is still very unclear.


Will soon allow people to purchase products that help them with lucid dreaming,  or to influence their dreams. In the cards this technology looks somewhat perfected. A card jumped out signifying lack of honesty, so there may be something about these products that is not honest, safe,  or something not disclosed to the customers. My advice, use them with caution if you do!

There is a wavering energy coming through regarding health or a “next pandemic” that shows a lot of back and forth. The reading seems to feel it can remain under control but health care systems look fragile and understaffed. Unfortunately this trend of lack of staff will increase globally.

The Tarot card of the month is the 9 of pentacles. This is a great card for abundance and enjoying your abundance. Do not overdo it. Take time to look at what you’ve created. A good time for growth and gaining more expertise on all levels. It is also a nice card for having more physical energy.  Stone of the month is amber. Absorbing negativity and protecting oneself in a gentle way are themes of amber.

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Global Predictions April 2024 🌎


They show me a lot of extreme weather and river flooding. A stabilization of the economy but growth closer to the fall. More rising prices in the rental market nationally. An increase in small businesses opening. Difficult situation surrounding the election, a lack of desire from many people to vote, voter turnout may be low.  There is a very stagnant energy surrounding the topic overall, something may get put off or delayed that would normally have a larger impact on the outcome. A court case regarding medical rights or issues with medical care or insurance companies arrives to the Supreme Court but the case may get kicked back to the lower courts or not receive the attention it deserves. There is a sense of disappointment as the court fails to provide a lack of clarity on an important topic nationally. The health care system is at risk of collapse as debt or higher operating costs increase for many facilities. This looks to affect larger institutions like hospitals more than smaller private practices. More money will be going overseas to areas of military conflict in the summer. A change is coming with the cost of higher education or related to student debt but seems to impact current and future students.


The economy looks iffy, very unstable situation arising for nations with high debt. Large industrial contracts instigate growth. New roads or train systems are coming that will link more countries or modernize travel.

South America shows an economic protest or riot against a failing system. It may be Venezuela. They show a lot of instability between nations in this area overall. Some are growing much more economically while others are seeing financial problems arrive. There will be a significant change in the balance of power in the region.

Cuba shows a large change either due to a weather disaster or cultural event/ shift.

England and France show an economic disagreement but England will benefit from the result. The royal family will have interesting news surrounding a female this summer.

Asia will have a country that creates a large trade agreement with USA. It is not with China, but a smaller country.

I see more earthquakes for 2024, more than expected. They show me one region that will struggle to rebuild due to difficult weather after the earthquake.

France shows a leader at risk of resigning due to a financial scandal. A woman who is older than him may replace him or be voted in to his role.

Economy globally shows a lot of activity in the summer. The market should have a lot of growth at that time. There is an energy of more forward momentum.

 Israel reveals the number 2 and 4. I think this means between 2 and 4 weeks, or months, or the 2nd or 4th month of the year,  there will be a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine.

The April 8th eclipse is giving me a frantic energy. There is a lot of panic, stress, and exhaustion around people at this time. I think it will be a lot of energy for people to process. The cards show an unexpected conflict between western nations near time as well.  It could be between USA and a European nation. A lot of people will have relationship changes near this eclipse as well. Grounding with crystals will help process the energy.

The crystal of the month is the diamond and the card of the month is the 8 of pentacles. The diamond is famous for its strength and high value. The 8 of pentacles relates to higher levels of education and abundance. Advice is to focus on strengthening your skills, and creating more abundance in April. Focus on creativity, and grounding. It is a good time for healing and releasing energy that is from old past trauma, past lives,  or generational trauma.

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March 2024 Global Predictions 🌎


There is a “victory” of some type that looks to be very successful. It may be a legal victory or resolution of an international conflict, or a peace agreement. There is a lot of economic growth and fulfillment coming near June in USA. The cards indicate a lot of growth and overall improvement through the summer months for the economy. (They don’t show me for autumn, just the summer here.) Good weather is forecast for many areas. The fall shows the possibility of more restrictions or great change, an ending of something, it may be an economic situation. The ace of pentacles also fell out while I was looking at this and picking up the cards, so some type of new start with the economy is definitely coming soon! The reading says there are already problems with the election in USA and a question of the legality of congressional maps in certain areas. I forsee legal challenges but they may be related to local elections.


Shows me riots again, between different groups of people over an economic issue. I belive this will be before summer or very early this summer. There looks to be a strike of a sector of the workforce that brings the government to a position of compromise.


I see more disasters with water, this time in a country on the mainland. Stability in economic growth. They do show a delay, the stability will come but it is only starting now. There seems to be a conflict coming around Afghanistan. I see an area of fires but not sure if this is Asia or some other area but it will be large international news.

South America

Shows dry weather and devastating winds. Travel will be affected. They show me earthquakes as well.  I believe this is also before the summer.

Pacific Islands

Show extremely heavy rain/ monsoon.

I see randomly some disruption of travel by train. It looks like the movement of goods will be greatly affected by this. I’m not sure what region they show me but it looks like Midwestern USA in the vision I have.

Travel will be very expensive in 2024.

They show me growth for many spiritual people this month, a good time to expand and increase spiritual knowledge rapidly. A good month to let go of old patterns.

I still see a continuation of the Russia and Ukraine war with more like a standstill from Russia. A blockage, and refusal to agree to end the conflict. It seems that USA and other nations start to intervene to create a movement to end the conflict. A disagreement between Putin and Biden is coming over this.

I believe mortgage rates will fall further closer to autumn. The cards show a lot of people moving around.

They show me an island receiving important economic contracts. It may be in Asia, could be Taiwan.

I see a conflict between India and a nearby nation becoming more intense, possibly more violent.

Overall the energy is very jumpy for March, a bit unpredictable and feels unstable. There is a sense people don’t know which way to go or how things will progress globally. The energy seems fiery in the ether for March. The card of the month is the chariot, signifying the need to overcome obstacles, go forward with momentum and make progress. The crystal of the month is not a crystal this time. They show me a metal, it is steel. Used for building and for surgical reasons when needed. Health and growth are the themes I take from that message of the metal. Other advice, go slowly, March has a very jumpy energy, it is easy to make a mistake, take time and care, and they suggest “double check everything!”


February 2024 Global Predictions 🌎


After many predictions of flooding, this time I see a much more dry weather period for USA. A female figure for vice president looks to emerge strongly, she has strong opinions but will be viewed as a moderate.  Some more debt relief is coming for students but the job market doesn’t pick up as much as expected. 2024 will be worse than predicted for the job market. Real estate prices look to lower a bit and may be a more affordable time to move. Interest rates may vary slightly this year.



The cards predict a female leader who looks fairly young. The economy looks to stabilize a little bit. I see less tourism for this summer for Europe vs last.


Shows a very difficult economic time due to a country that has mismanaged money. There will be improvement but not until much later this year. It looks like a large amount of money was stolen.


I see a country with a lot of flooding at a busy time for their touristic season. It may be China.


A large amount of the continent shows they get cut off from a lot of basic medical care.  I’m not sure if this is due to a natural disaster or other event but it looks like an earthquake in the cards.


The global economy takes a large setback with shipping problems, lack of supplies, and items not moving around the globe well overall. It looks like a large problem with sea travel related to this. It seems it will last about 3 months long.


There is more military conflict coming to the middle east according to the reading. One country looks to initiate a new invasion. They may bring in a lot of ground troops in order to do so. Something significant is coming up related to world peace to be signed in May of this year and I think it may have to do with the war in Israel because it came up right after I looked at the middle east. I think it will be an international agreement with many nations involved.


Global Predictions January 2024 🌎


A large weather event involving water, overwhelming flooding. The winter for continental USA looks to be very humid in most areas.  The economy does not bounce back as much as hoped but the work force will start moving much more. We will see a fair amount of new jobs created for the first quarter, and many people who have been out of work a long time will find secure jobs.  The real estate market looks sluggish. An astrological event in January will shift the balance of things. The energy will shift to a more creative and feminine energy. There will be some significant new inventions. The presidential race is still giving me a very weird energy, too much is “undecided.” A strong female contender shows progress but it will be thwarted by a deceptive male, possibly someone in her own party trying to advance their campaign.


Shows an area of unusual drought. Problems getting water to the affected area. China shows slim economic progress, more losses expected for 2024. There is a significant slowing or stalling of the economy in most of Asia this year. I see a lot of instability in the balance of power between nations in Asia.  A sense that the geography of the area will change. Limitations to tourism are mentioned by the cards as well, although they do not reveal the reason for it. A large nation seems to exceed their debt limit creating severe consequences.


A lot of issues within the banking sector. I feel like a very large bank may crumble due to severe corruption or lack of oversight. I think this event is closer to June. The economy overall looks more stable later in the year. Things will pick up, but not as much as many people had hoped regarding the market.

I still see a lot of conflict regarding the war in Israel and Palestine. Unfortunately I do not see any good news in the cards on this at this time.


Reveals economic recession and one country having trouble paying back their debt. It looks like one of the coastal nations on the Mediterranean. The issue will create friction in the EU. Tourism for 2024 is not as good as anticipated. Overall, I see a lot less people traveling in 2024. A conflict between the leader of France and the EU gets bigger.


Shows unexpected economic growth and more power in the Asian region overall.

South America

Grows economically more than expected as well, with one nation influencing the others with policies that inspire economic movement and growth. The growth is stable and long lasting.


Conflict around a digital currency being introduced. It will either happen later than expected and be problematic or not occur due to difficulties. I see the unexpected fall of a large crypto currency, losing most of its value overnight in the early part of 2024.


January looks to be quite unstable energetically. A lot of electromagnetic events on the Earth will occur within a short time like solar flares and earthquakes. A good time to focus on health, grounding, and preparing for the unexpected. There could be a lot of natural disasters. Ace of cups is the card of the month, highlighting healing, emotional receptivity, love, and acceptance. The element of the month is steel. Stay strong, and build a strong foundation. Steel can be used to create large structures but thinking and planning ahead is essential.

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Global Predictions December 2023 🌎

The war between Israel and Palestine gets worse before it gets better. A diplomatic pathway to peace is being discussed between many nations. A female leader who seems involved in the UN or other international body is trying to create the discussion for peace. I do not see a lot of change until towards new year.


Strong economic growth sees a short setback in early 2024 with a small change in interest rates. The economy is still sluggish. Shipping issues continue to pile up globally. Growth will occur in 2024, but slowly. A female candidate for the 2024 presidential race speaks a lot about bolstering the economy but the cards show that she would be a disaster for the middle class and financially only favor large corporations in the end. It could create another recession if she is elected. She appears to be a moderate in my cards. Winter looks unusually cold for many parts of mainland USA. Biden looks very frail and I’m not sure if he will be physically up to the demands of campaign travel for 2024. There will be a lot of people pushing him to run anyway.


Shows more protests. A decision from the leader triggers a strong public response. Seems to be an overnight change. A lot of economic and cultural tension is happening in France right now.

Sahara Desert

An interesting discovery or advanced civilization has their remains found or history revealed by some recent discoveries. There is a male leading the analyzing of this material that is able to confirm significant history about this region of the world. It will be a fascinating discovery. The reading shows me the use of light and energy, a civilization that would have widely used light as a power source.


A lot of destruction due to a natural disaster that creates a lot of flooding. China looks to have a lot of problems helping people with the recent virus. They do not have enough staff currently to handle the amount of patients. In the reading they do not look to be adding more either. At the moment, I do not see travel restrictions. Overall looks to be an upcoming year with a lot of tension in the region of Asia. Many countries not agreeing on important decisions and resolution taking a very long time. The cards mention weather crises again for this area.

South America

Paves the way for land conservation with an international decision in 2024 that protects many natural areas and resources. There is a harmonious balance between how the land can be used and preserved at the same time, or a new respect for the region’s boundary.


They will take an isolationist policy on something affecting the region. It could be related to the virus. They stand alone in isolating.

Space Exploration 

Takes the pace and energy of something like the gold rush. Many nations now scrambling to get their technology and people into the race to explore and benefit from what they may find. There is a very competitive energy around this topic.


3 of Cups and Justice come up as the cards of the month. They indicate celebration but a need to be ethical, cautious, and rational as well. Use your judgement wisely, with balance and ethics. Enjoy time with community, friends and family. The reading says this is also a powerful form of healing. Working with meteorite fragments is highlighted this month. They say interstellar communication is coming but “we will not understand it.” Try to link to the universal, interstellar energy to understand the other waves of energy, frequency, and communication that exists. Opening to understand other aspects of our reality is highlighted this month. This may help with psychic development, clear dreaming, astral travel and visions as well.

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November 2023 Global Predictions 🌎


The cards wanted to open with the connection between these two nations and says they are “inextricably linked.” The horrific vision I had in October’s predictions is what I believe to be the current war. The cards show me the loss of lives of children and the targeting of children in the present still going on. For me personally, it is very hard to look at this topic due to how extreme and violent it is in my psychic eye, but I share here for those who have asked. The reading shows explosions of some sort, many in the past and some in the present and future. I do not see a strong improvement towards peace until near April. The reading does suggest a strong international cease fire effort so that civilians are no longer targeted. I believe this will be through a larger organization like the UN or a group of nations not directly involved. I do feel a new map will be drawn, or there will be some change in land use or a border in the resolution of the conflict. I believe safe zones for citizens should become a reality in the region by New Year’s time.


Economy “falters” this winter. A crash is mildly averted. Housing market takes a hit. Wages cease to rise with inflation, for now. A female contending for the 2024 presidential race is announced. Economic stability closer to summer, but not a lot of growth. Biden considering to pull out of the 2024 race. If he does,  another male and female political match will run on the democratic ticket. A lot of conflict is around this decision. Bad press around Hunter Biden continues. The border will be overrun with more immigration than it can handle. There may be a temporary closure.


Shows a widening of the wealth gap, with most of the population falling into a recession and the extreme end of those with wealth becoming very wealthy. It will be a slower, longer recession than usual. Shortages of certain foods and products are indicated, and possibly fuel.


More earthquakes. Extreme weather. A bailout or international effort financially will help them.


An awakening of humanity, of sorts. The emergence of awareness, spiritual growth, ability to change the world in large numbers of people for a common, peaceful purpose. There will be a significant male teacher involved in leading this movement. He will be seen as a prophet in his culture.


Will face a large ethical question that could shake their identity as a nation. They will have to take a stand on a very large issue. Their leader is conflicted but will go with the “historic path and precedent.” Tradition will trump the desire for change, and the identity of their nation will remain similar for the near future.


Earthquake or large storm.


A situation regarding spies or a form of spying is uncovered or leaked. It may create a rift with USA.

South America

Shows a large amount of rainfall this winter,  and the preservation of an incredibly large region of the Amazon thanks to a western individual from outside the region who is able to bring nations together for a formal agreement. It will be his legacy to do this for the world.


The Queen of Swords is the card of the month. The energy of this card tells us to be decisive, intelligent, weigh all options, and focus. She helps us create a clear idea, path and outcome. The energy of this card is decisive and free from confusion. Be cautious not to be too blunt or severe in your reactions to others this month as this card does not tend to be the most charming and diplomatic of the deck. Tiger’s eye is the crystal of the month. This stone is protective and helps us with courage. I see it as a protective energy going towards affected regions of the world that need protection now. The advice is to stay calm and centered. This November offers a strong sense of clear thinking and some helpful solar energy that is not as disruptive as what we have experienced this summer and autumn so far.

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October Global Predictions 2023 🌎


“A fight beyond words, diplomatic error.” This makes me think of Ukraine, but also could be China. An older male in a position of power takes too much time on an important international decision or conflict. A sense of lacking resolution or perspective. It could be Biden. The uncertainty looks strong in early January through February 2024. Hunter Biden reveals himself to be in the news a lot this fall, seemingly unaware of more charges that may be brought against him. There is an issue with chemical imbalance or substance abuse by him that will be widely shared by the media this autumn. Some abundance after a tumultuous time for the US economy, but still inhcing along with interest rates and rising inflation affecting the market. Job market looks a bit “iffy” but OK, not terrible. A problem arises with student loan payments/repayments or laws regarding this topic. They show many people unable to pay their debts overall, mortgages, student loans, credit cards, etc. This trend gets worse as we get into this winter. A bitter battle will start within the democratic party about who should be the presidential nominee in 2024 with many saying that either a female politician or younger male should run instead of Biden. The issue will create negative press around the party, their ideals, and motives. There may be a blackout in a southern state due to a weather front being extremely cold. Communications will be affected, even possibly satellite activity.


Spain, A stromg drop in tourism and temperatures. Economic trouble for Europe this winter. Many businesses close due to inflation, and new regulations on food or finances. France, a male leader tries to improve the economy to some success. France allows more free trade or commerce of some kind, or incentives for tourists or foreigners to do some kind of work visa or elongated travel stays. Germany has an economic fall in one industry and then a quick recovery that could be a government bailout. An older female leader and younger male leader create the solution. There is a big rift within the EU about what to do regarding the war in Ukraine. Many leaders feel to pull out and end the war and others push to continue it past the holiday season this winter. It’s going to become even more expensive than before. I feel the USA will continue to finance it at least through the end of this winter.


Infertility rates rise globally. Western nations show stabilizing population numbers. October looks to be a very difficult month globally regarding mental health issues. The cards show me many people with extreme anxiety and possibly a change in society in the sense that people become much more reactive.

I see a very strange event where a group of people will be targeted between Asia and Europe but the instigator in this attack is somehow stopped suddenly. It may even be the fall politically of a certain group or party. The reading reveals something that looks like an attempted genocide. Other nations may intervene to prevent this.

We will receive interstellar communication and some strong solar storms this winter. Space travel increases. Astral travel will become easier for people as the solar energy continues to raise the energy of humanity in 2023 and early 2024.


China shows a blackout or malfunction of the energy grid. They do not show me weather as the reason. Taiwan will be in the news a lot this fall. Their political alignment may become more isolated. Tourism industry in Asia this winter is fairly slow.

South America

A coup or government uprising that is unexpected. A female leader or activist challenges an older male leader and the system crumbles under the conflict. Could be a falling out between two nations that have previously had a harmonious relationship. Extreme flooding is also shown for South America in a region with many rivers.


The star ⭐ is the Tarot Card of the month. It is a very significant energy of achieving our innermost dreams, goals, and heightening our spiritual awareness. A good period for creating goals, manifesting growth on all levels, and achieving results through isolated focus. Psychic dreams may be very profound or more frequent. October is typically a favorable month for manifestation. Many channelers and spiritual people always have said this about October. A good period also for creating a new structure. The star card does have a lot of water in the image so more astronomically aligned water events or flooding could occur. Rutilated quartz is the crystal of the month, drawing out negative energy from the positive we wish to create, making us aware of challenges and blockages but allowing us to go forward while preventing obstacles from stopping us in our tracks. Advanced spiritual work can happen easily at this time. This is also a great stone for psychic protection and projection.

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