Pyramid Healing Channeled Meditation

This channeled meditation came to me last week when working with a client focusing on healing. The mediation should be done with a flow of Reiki if possible, starting right at the beginning of the session. The Reiki flow can be achieved in person, remote, or through self Reiki for this meditation.

Be comfortably seated or lying down for this mediation.  Take some deep breaths to feel centered in your body. Visualize yourself looking up at the solar light which looks like the sun. The solar light is spiritual energy and sunlight.

*As this meditation was channeled to me, the image and meaning of the light is two fold. I can only describe it as a combination of spiritual and physical light, like 2 different suns one over the other, in 2 different dimensions yet still looks like 1 sun. This multi layered/ multi dimensional vision is common for me to see in my channeled visions.

See the solar light over a pyramid, shining down onto the tip of the pyramid and illuminating the entire structure. The color of the sunlight may change as it hits the tip of the pyramid. Be open to whatever color it picks and use that color to illuminate the entire structure of the pyramid. Experience this image for a moment.

Now see yourself inside the pyramid lying on a healing bed. This healing bed also illuminated with the color of the solar light when it touched the pyramid. Then see yourself filled with the same color as well. Stay with the same color and work with it through this portion of the healing session, letting it move through it body and aura, sending it to wherever it needs to go. Let it go to any areas of pain or discomfort. See the light moving through you in small swirling circles. Take time to breathe and send the light to any areas that need extra healing. Notice if your body feels differently, if energy feels like it is moving, and if you feel a temperature change. The healing bed may create a feeling of warmth for the body as you activate healing energy. Guides, deities, angels, and any other spiritual energy you connect with are welcome at this time to send you healing energies. If you do not feel called to invite them, that is OK just continue. If you do invite them spend some time allowing them to do their portion of the healing while you focus on receiving energy.

Set the intention that your body continue this healing as you flow back to an image of yourself sitting in front of the pyramid with the solar light above the pyramid in the sky. Bring your energy back to the psychical plane and focus on your body. Complete the Reiki portion of the healing and remain in meditation for a little longer. Come back and open your eyes when you feel ready.

If you practice this meditation, please comment below how you felt, and if you’d like a more extended version. I have been doing this series with many people lately, using some variations once inside the pyramid.

Crystal Grid

Crystal grids are a great way to harmonize energy. You can use them on the body, around the body, in a room, or over a piece of paper with your intentions.

Each crystal has a specific vibration and reaction with the body. You can either use 1 type of crystal in your grid or mix them. It is good to leave the crystals sitting close to an hour if possible for this type of work. If you are using them on the body, be practical, because if the person is moving the crystals will move as well, and it may be better to do a shorter session. Most times a crystal grid is used around the body and the crystals will react with the aura of the person they are near.

If you study sacred geometry, you can use the shapes and patterns in a highly developed way. I’m currently learning more about this very sacred knowledge. The crystals should be used in a geometric or proportionate way for this type of healing. If you do use the crystals on the body please be practical and know that they can fall off.

You can use Reiki as well to enhance the energy of the crystals. You should cleanse them after each grid, either leaving them in the light of the full moon all night, burying them overnight, or using salt water. Please keep in mind not all crystals can be washed with salt water, some may crack or start to break. I recommend a minimum of about 8 or 10 crystals for this time of work because you should have enough to use them in some significant proportion to one another or be able to make a pattern out of them.

The famous gardens at Versailles and other locations were not done solely for aesthetic purposes. The use of scared geometry and using the energy lines naturally made through patterns we create gives off a specific energy and vibration. They say the plants that grow in these types of gardens have higher healing qualities and properties. Somehow, this knowledge became lost or suppressed in our modern era.

If you are going through a difficult situation you can use a crystal grid over a piece of paper with a crystal on it in the center of the grid. Be patient and give the grid some time to work. You can also have “permanent” crystal grids in your home where you consistently send, and change the energy depending on what you need. These will help protect your home and energetic boundaries 24 hours a day, even without your consistent focus if you set them up right and take care of them with attention, focus, and regular cleansing or energy work. I highly recommend them. You can even pack a small bag of crystals if you want to set up a tiny crystal grid when you travel.

There are many ways to work with the chakras using crystal grids. I prefer to use a few crystals when working on the body and a grid around the body when I am not doing the healing myself and am allowing someone to do their own aura cleanse with the grid.

I really like working with clear quartz for my crystal grids. I feel they harmonize the home with balancing harmful EMFs, and other energy from wifi,  also they promote psychic ability and wellness.

Post any questions or comments below!

Dealing with Challenging People

This is an UPHILL BATTLE for the spiritually sensitive in our world. It is no easy task dealing with difficult people or situations, but for the intuitive minded, and psychicly gifted people, it can actually be painful on all levels and physically impossible to sustain.

Sensitive people have a hard time not feeling the energy of the environments or people around them. Obviously we will all be faced with challenging situations and people in our lives, but spiritual people need to be very proactive and clear in how they want to respond to this energy.

You will need managing techniques for dealing with this if it is affecting you. For many people, therapists and life coaches can give exceptional advice. But if you want to go the extra mile, you can manage these situations on the spiritual plane as well.

For me,  I really like using Reiki for this purpose. Many people know of Reiki as an energetic healing method, but it can also be sent to past, present, or future events,  as well as parallel events and dimensions/ spaces. Sending this energy to the challenge you are confronted with can have a big impact even if invisible to the eye. I have always had some success with this method of handling challenging energetic situations. Not everything or everyone can or will change, but the energy around it can shift drastically using this modality.

It is essential in my opinion for spiritual people to also get to the heart of the matter. What is really going on? Why is the person being difficult with us? Why are we in this situation? What parts are we responsible for and what parts are we not responsible for dealing with? Only pick up your karma.  Don’t take on the karma of another person! This may seem helpful but you are actually hurting your own spiritual development as well as the other person’s ability to grow. We are faced with various challenges for a reason, and while there are times we may help others, taking on their energetic karmic load is another story and not the same thing. It may be that you need to assess what is happening to see which is going on. Are you really needing to be involved in a situation or deal with someone difficult or is it that you’re trying to manage their karmic load?

Self reflect. Take some time to process and assess the situation or person you are dealing with. You may have to watch closely the phases of the moon, astrological events, and other factors that could be influencing the energy. There are also times the global vibration of humanity shifts and many people feel “unsettled.” Take all of these things into account. Decide your role. All of life depends on our participation or lack thereof. Be aware that even when dealing with challenges, you may be able to influence a lot more than meets the eye.


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