Breathing, Connecting, Centering…

Breathing is so important to our balance physically and spiritually. I can not over stress the importance of awareness of your breath when doing spiritual work or trying to ground and center after using a lot of spiritual energy. I had a wonderful pranayama teacher who insisted that all breathing techniques were useless we were able to breathe properly. I feel this is a strongly needed concept in spirituality today. Are we really breathing properly and do we know what that means? There are many methods of breathing but the initial stage is the most important because it allows you to deeply connect and go further from that point. I focus on my breathing even when not doing spiritual work or exercises. We are always using our spiritual energy in some form and can use the assistance of breathing awareness at various points throughout the day to balance our energy. Before getting into more advanced techniques, spend a few minutes becoming aware of your breath on all levels. Notice how you feel. Practice this awareness over time…

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