August 2022 Global Predictions 🌎

So…by accident I almost wrote March 2022! That’s very odd, I’m wondering why that would happen… is something from March 2022 global events/ predictions coming to fruition, ending, or reaching a significant global stage?

Biden reveals a neurological problem and a woman who is taking over most of his work. It is not Kamala Harris, may be Nancy Pelosi, although in the cards she looks much younger. There may be an aid or an advisor taking on a much more significant role than originally assigned to them. Economy continues to tumble downwards, through the holiday season it looks difficult. Goods, transport, and spending are going to be 3 big areas where this is most noticeable. The market will be more sporadic. Looks like the federal reserve will try to “slow this down,” somewhat unsuccessfully. Programs and aid to families and those with small children will be receiving a budget cut from the government. Economy may be a little better “after the winter.”

China. They are prepared to go into nuclear conflict but “probably won’t do it.” Gridlock, standstill, conflict, blackmailing politicians until they get what they want is the more likely path. They have a lot of foreign governments exactly where they want them. Big news again about Hunter Biden, it is coming up in the question about China but I’m not sure if it is something that happened related to them or if they just expose something. China will get what they want, but there will be a lot of conflict first. They show some form of economic collapse or a new system. Utilities look totally government controlled and distributed. This part looks a bit further into the future. They show a natural disaster with water or a landslide this year. Nature is trying to rebalance somehow.

India shows a larger global presence politically this month taking more of a stance and speaking up. Also, spiritual traditions from there are advancing and helping society progress into the new energy. This is a hugely positive aspect of the global predictions for August. If you are a spiritual practitioner or interested in their traditions, see what people in these traditions are feeling or predicting right now for society. They have already begun to shift into the new vibrational reality.

We will see significant news about Brazil and Australia this month, may be related to economy.

Travel will be highly affected again. Difficulty, less choices. It will take 2 more years before a balance is struck or there is any sense of normality to this sector. The private sector will push to progress back to the way things were.

I’m sensing that underwater there is a lot going on, military activity, weapons testing, spying, and maybe a sense the oceans are “crowded.” Not sure if anything of this nature will hit the news. Look for submarine activity as a clue.

The cards say “everyone is waiting for the third world War but the war may be economic.” They did not expand on this.

It seems the trend economically will be a start, stop, and repeat pattern. Job market will pick up slightly only to come to a sharp standstill. Winter will be difficult this year also due to natural disasters of extreme weather.

Advice, focus on self care as the solar energy of August is very strong right now. Prepare for economic downturn, some shortages, delays, shipment/cargo issues. Prepare to be challenged to show your ethics. This August is a month where we will be challenged to reveal our true ethical nature. A harmonious time for group events, large gatherings, emotional commitments, and long term financial plans. There may be a change in the housing market, so if you are looking to either buy or sell, watch the trends on pricing closely. Psychic connection with animals and the healing impact they can have looks extra powerful this month as well. This may be due to them picking up on all the solar energy. Indulging in celebrations, really connecting with others emotionally at gatherings In a significant way, is encouraged this month.

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