July 2022 Global Predictions 🌎

The five of wands has jumped out as the primary card for July’s global predictions in 2022. This means a lot of conflict, instability, market volatility, personal stress, battle or war, but signifies that the stress will be shorter vs. longer term.

Interest rates should rise again.

A river overflowing causing severe damage. For some reason I can not see if this is USA or Asia.


The theme of mothers and motherhood is strong, as well as the rights to raise children regarding education, and government intervention. They indicate women retaining a large amount of control over their bodies going forward as well. Something may change in a large way nationally regarding education or how parents can fund their children’s education. This is for children under 18, not college level education. There is a plan to integrate more technology into the schools but the cards say it is not something for remote learning but something that would be used for security, possibly to screen who enters and exits the schools. Private schools see much higher enrollment for the Autumn of 2022.  🍂

They show me a major explosion at a ceremony or event, like a wedding, possibly in Israel or near that part of the world. It receives international news. It looks like a terror attack.  I believe it is done by an individual acting somewhat alone and they show me a backpack as well.

Putin will start to pull back troops this summer, then advance as he will receive some economic assistance to do so, and then retreat again. In the fall near October, a treaty could be signed. Ukraine will have a completely different border going forward. The cards show strong economic incentive for this war to end soon for Russia. There will be an issue with the trading of or control over gas which accelerates the ending of this conflict.

Egypt has an interesting discovery and an economic advancement globally. They retrieve some form of “wealth.”

A strong international effort to protect wildlife in Africa gains more momentum this summer.

Increases in need for dentists and dentistry globally. There is something we are doing or eating that is starting to affect society overall in a negative way regarding oral health care.

A standstill, grid lock, on some negotiation affecting the economy. Could be a union, major strike, protest, that goes on this summer for about one month. It impacts the supply chain.

China shows a more fragile economy than anticipated, a lot of debt.

A “planetary discovery” and the return of an “unusual comet.” A lot of stellar activity this month and discoveries relating to black holes in scientific news. There may be a power outage due to a solar flare in July.

Coronavirus cases peak a lot in Asia this winter. Globally the response is not the same. Many countries move to treat it as endemic. Case numbers don’t go up proportionally globally.  Other outbreaks or variants seem easier to heal or address.

After the next 5 weeks, there is a sense of more global stability and predictability as the major economic players decide their plans and nations do as well. There is a sense of more clarity from Russia and the west’s response. August may be a better month for most people due to this shift in energy.


Strive to work on multidimensional healing for yourself and the Earth. The connections we have to the energy we don’t see is heightened right now. July is a good month for intuitive dreams, psychic predictions, and creative projects. It is a challenging month for making long term plans, detailed responses, negotiations, and resolving conflict.

Many blessings to all beings!



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