December 2022 Global Predictions 🌎


“A stalling and difficult economy, potential crashes. ” After what seems to be a calmer period for the market,Β  there are some upsets to the stability early new year and into the spring. Many people will hesitate on spending overall for the next 6 months. There is a lack of strong leadership related to the economy and how to proceed on a federal level, possibly disagreement about the best way to move forward. Biden will try to take a backseat to these issues regarding the press and their questions. A period where the White House will not want to comment strongly on these topics. A crisis with migration will come this spring although I’m not sure if it is due to the sheer volume of people waiting to enter or an environmental disaster or storm that affects the safety of people near the border. It seems health conditions overall will improve regarding immigrants and their health care, but not until after the spring, and this relates to changes regarding documented immigrants.


I see people really freaking out about a labor shortage and/or worker conditions. The economy will struggle going into this spring. Resources will be limited but I’m not sure if this is due to government regulations or lack of resources, could be a combination. You will see protests in the news about it this winter. The season also looks to be very cold.


Russia and Ukraine still battling it out but looks to be on a much smaller scale.Β  Russia will become more interested in a global alliance with China and shift political attention to this objective going forward. They will capitalize on the west’s friction with China as an opportunity to move forward and have greater influence globally. As this proceeds, the war in Ukraine becomes a lower priority and economic burden for Russia. There is little objective for them to continue at this point. Putin reveals a health issue in the cards but looks much older in the image I see here, that could be a more long term future prediction.


There is a real struggle of back and forth about whether to open or close the nation regarding the zero corona policy. The wealthier people show that they favor a full reopening at this time and do not want to see 2023 fully restricted anymore. They will have some influence on the politics in China in the first quarter of 2023. The public shows a continuation of heavily protesting, I think we will see this in the news for at least another 2 or 3 weeks.

Travel Restrictions

At this time I’m not getting a strong feeling about travel restrictions. I have a sense that there may be little change or that the changes may involve the trend of removing restrictions vs implementing them overall globally. The airline industry, despite long lines and chaos at the airports has not recovered financially from the pandemic losses. Many world leaders are debating lifting more restrictions. We should see some result on this in about 2 months. Asia may be the region most affected by this.

Energy Restrictions

These are definitely going to start to become more common. There is an economic and environmental push to shift to zero emissions and this is a global movement. Personal residences, public buildings, and businesses will be affected. The reading shows the change will be difficult but rather fast.

Advice and Insight

Overall December looks like a calmer month than others I’ve seen for this year. Rest and recuperation is highlighted overall and if you focus on this you may be getting faster results or more progress than expected. A strong time astrologically as we prepare for 2023 and the changes that will come. Spiritual development is highlighted. Some female spiritual leaders will start to create a new movement and become more well known. Economic growth for the self employed and small businesses looks better as people try to support communities and their friends more economically. There may be some interesting, and visible,Β  astronomical events this month that have not been predicted by science.


One thought on “December 2022 Global Predictions 🌎”

  1. Katie Hall avatar Katie Hall says:

    Very interesting about the migration in the US, Putin with his health, and the un predicated astronomical events!

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